Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Bionn Siulach Scealach" ~ Ireland

I'm back from my trip to The Emerald Isle!

Thank you to everyone who shared their recommendations with me.  I took all into consideration, made a list of the 'must do's', and then traveled EuroK style by going wherever the wind blew me.

And thank you to Stacey who flew over from London to hang out with me for a bit!

I will admit that I did not want to come home!  I have so much to share.  My wanderings, experiences, people I've met, and my recommendations There's so much that I'm going to share them with you via separate posts, each of which will focus in on one county/region of Ireland.  For all of you who simply want the facts, I'll begin each post with a quick list of my recommendations (do's and don'ts).  And then, for those who would like to relive my journey with me, I'll share my experiences.

To answer the question I'm constantly being asked, I didn't have any problems driving on the left side of the road.  I was so nervous about it, but ... it was a piece of cake!

Sit tight.  County Dublin will be the first post ...

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