Sunday, March 6, 2011

Exploring Ireland: County Galway, Ireland (part 3)

My Recommendations:

Must Do's ...

  1. Upper Sky Road
  2. Clifden
  3. Buy Connemara Tweed and something woolen
  4. Kylemore Abbey
  5. Connemara Ponies
What You Can Skip ...
  1. Absolutely nothing!

I awoke early the next morning from the sunlight coming through the picture window.  It was a soft, rainy morning.  The sunlight was soft, the gray sky was soft, and the house quiet.  Only the green grass seemed a little bright despite its vibrancy had been dampened from the sunny day before.  I showered, packed my bag, and loaded it into the car.  Anne was up and making breakfast.  There was a couple already eating breakfast in the dining room.  They were not open to conversation.  Anne took my order of fresh salmon omelette which she talked me into saying it was the best on the menu.  Paddy was a professional chef, as it seems.  I was a bit disappointed in the omelette ... too much salmon for me.  But, the salmon was so delicious when it melted in my mouth.

Upper Sky Road
As I left, Anne chastised me for not walking up to Upper Sky Road yesterday when the sun was shining.  She had prodded me, advising the forecast was for rain the next day, saying it was the best view in all of Ireland.  I had planned to take the walk but, sitting in the Irish grasses had been more compelling to me. 

I drove west a short distance on the tiny lane of Lower Sky Road until the road turned up the hill to the right and made a 180 degree turn.

And there I was. 

A 'sky view' of what I had taken in yesterday from the cliff side.  I truly had been sitting on the edge of the world ... looking out onto the Atlantic Ocean near where it meets the Norwegian Sea.

 And here's a distance shot of the point in the two photos above:

My B&B, Rockmount House, is in the row of houses just below and to the left of the point.

Spectacular!  Yes?
And further down the road ...

I drove into the town of Clifden anxious to find an espresso cafe, and roam the shops which had just opened.  As much as I hate shopping, I love browsing through small shops whenever I travel to other countries.  And, I was on a shopping mission.  I had planned to buy my Irish father either an Irish tweed cap or an [authentic] Aran sweater.  And if you're wanting Irish tweed, Connemara is the place to look. 

There are several shops in which to buy Irish woolens, and I can't recall the name of the shop where I found Dad's cap.  But, I do know that as soon as you turn right onto the first street of shops, it's either the first or second shop on your right.  Lots of fabulous tweed and woolens!

I love Dad's cap.  It is dark Irish green with tiny specs of brown, yellow, orange, and a few other colors.  It looks very handsome on him, and he looks dapper in it!

(not a good pic, but you get the gist)

Hehir's Woollen Store (Market Street) has absolutely fabulous items (more contemporary, less traditional).  Brian, one of the owners, was very helpful as I selected a wool sweater for myself. 

It's actually a lovely charcoal gray, sits just off the shoulder, and criss-crosses in front.  
Simply lovely.
Made by Fishermen Out of Ireland located in Donegal.

Kylemore Abbey
Back on the road, I headed northeast through The Twelve Pins to the lovely Kylemore Abbey.  It was the most beautiful, peaceful sight ...

I love this photo.

But this is my favorite!

The Abbey became a school for girls, & is, sadly, closing this year.

Rain clouds are rolling in, & wind is rippling the water.

Half of a panoramic view ...

... the other half.

The Kylemore Abbey has a rich history. It's home to nuns of the Benedictine Order who came here in 1920 after their abbey in Ypres, Belgium was destroyed in WW I. They opened a world renowned boarding school for girls & restored the Abbey, Gothic Church, & Garden to their original order.  Mitchell & Margaret Henry owned it for a time, then it was bought by Eugene Zimmerman, an oil & rail tycoon from ... get this ... Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.  Yes, my hometown!  He bought it for his daughter & son-in-law, the Duke & Duchess (Helena Zimmerman) of Manchester.

I love this pic, as well!

Connemara Ponies
There's so much more that I can share about Connemara, but I must leave something for you to discover on your own.  But, I will share that you must see the Connemara Ponies.

Next up ... our final Irish exploration:  County Mayo (Matt Malloy's Pub, and a special farewell evening in Ennis ...

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